I guess I should make mention of my main website here!
Its a work in progress but it is up and running, the link is cspphotography.com if you fancy a peek at my work. I am currently using Jalbum.net free gallery software at the moment, which I love but would have to change if I decide to sell my photographs
I have since changed my web address and now utilize Photium as its a lot more user friendly
New Web Address is: http://cspphotography.photium.com
Sunday, 22 November 2009
A Dream of the Land
I occasionally help my folks out with their work and this Friday gone saw my brother and I traveling up the coast to Walsingham on delivery. After we dropped off the produce we carried on towards Wells-next-to-Sea. Here at a junction just outside the town is a strange yet beautiful shop called the Big Blue Sky, which sells all sorts of interesting things from original artworks and photographs to decor and crafty bits & bobs from Norfolk. It was here that I discovered John T Hansell's book called "A Dream of the Land" amoungst other book gems.
Unfortunately John is no longer with us, but his landscape photographs in this book are a delight, particularly those of the norfolk coast and will be a continual influence on my future coastal photography.

Welcome to my blog, this is something I've been meaning to start for some time now and never quite got round to doing! Well with the onset of dialysis again I have a lot more time to sit and think, so my musings on photography and life in general will probably appear up here!
Anyway I hope people enjoy......
Last week the sun poked its head out for a rare look-see, and my brother who is keen to start photographing as a hobby suggested we go and make use of the light. Somewhere I had known about - but as yet not visited, was Shouldham woods, and since it was 5 minutes down the road off we went!
We happened to pick the day that a cross country race was on so there were plenty of people about, but we made our way past the race finish line and into the woods.
Even now a week later

The first photo of Shouldham Woods was taken on my 5D:
1/15 sec @ f/16
focal length 28mm
ISO 100
The second image was:
1/5 @ f/9
focal length 50mm
ISO 100
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