It was with bitter disappointment that I was unable to get out and about with the camera during our big freeze due to health reasons, I missed many opportunities for great photographs, but once I was better I decided to try out my 150-500 lens that I have had for over a year but not really had a chance to put through its paces. On the 26th Jan I went for a day trip to Pensthorpe Wildfowl Park
( - host to BBC
Springwatch. The park is beautiful even at this time of year and I look forward to returning in the Spring and Summer.
This image of a stork was taken near the main complex on 1/320 at f16 with the lens set to 300mm. I used the camera without a tripod which is a fatal error particularly with someone with as shaky hands as I have! You cant tell at this magnification but slight blurring is apparent when blown up - An excuse to get back to the park as soon as possible!
The bird feeder was taken from inside one of the hides on the walk, I could have stayed there in the relative warm for hours burning up battery and Compact Flash Space - the volume of birds using the feeder was huge a reminder that natural food for birds is scarce this time of year so keeping feeders continually filled is a must. The image was taken at 1/640 at f6.3 with the lens set to 500mm ( ISO 500). The last two images were taken at 1/320 at f5.6 - 300mm and 1/400 at f5.6 - 205mm -all three images using a monopod I hasten to add....