Monday, 31 May 2010

A Day on the Marshes

I had an exceedingly good week last week, and feeling stronger than I have in what feels an age I traveled up the coast to Blakeney Quay on Thursday 20th May and had a walk about on the quay and salt marshes. I totally knackered myself out, but enjoyed every minute of it, recording with my camera as I walked. These are just some of the images captured.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Election Disaffection.....

So today's the big day. All the political ping pong and empty promises haven't done anything to make my mind up who I'm going to vote for. I'm pretty sure however who I won't be voting for, so that's a start I guess.
It was said to me the other day that it is nigh on impossible to find a honest politician, as even if that person has the best will in the world, he or she must follow the Party line even if they disagree with it - if they wish to have a successful and prolonged career. 'Nuff said.

I'm thoroughly disgusted with the whole expenses scandal, it was the final insult to the public after all the mistakes, dishonesty and incompetence's of the past. I guess this is what happens when any group is left to be self-regulating.

As someone with serious health issues I should be looking for the candidate whose party is promising the least cuts to the Health Service, but all parties if boxed into a corner with no escape (or wriggling room) would have to come clean and tell the truth, and that is cuts will have to be made regardless of which political party wins over. Cuts to all our services not just health.
Tough times ahead for all of us I fear.

Now who was I going to vote for again...?

Anyway now I've thoroughly depressed you, here's a photograph I took in better times to make you feel better

Flower Power!

I think my recent fascination of things floral has my mother slightly concerned that I may have turned to the pink and camp er... camp, but she need not worry I'm just desperate to keep plugging away at my photography even when the body isn't so willing. The good thing about flowers is they don't run off while your trying to photograph them and you don't have to get up at ridiculous o'clock and hike three miles to get that stunning image!
So don't panic just yet mother dearest, all is well.

Now where did I put my fluffy pink slippers....?

Monday, 3 May 2010

Sea Shells

I'm not getting much time to myself these days, certainly not enough to go out and photograph landscapes, added to which I've been having difficulty getting about, but I am determined to keep snapping away when I can! We have a collection of sea shells on display in the dining room so I pilfered them and set up a mini studio in the conservatory. Once again I have desaturated somewhat and added vignetting.
These were some of the results