I had an exceedingly good week last week, and feeling stronger than I have in what feels an age I traveled up the coast to Blakeney Quay on Thursday 20th May and had a walk about on the quay and salt marshes. I totally knackered myself out, but enjoyed every minute of it, recording with my camera as I walked. These are just some of the images captured.
Welcome to my blog, this is something I've been meaning to start for some time now and never quite got round to doing! Well with the onset of dialysis again I have a lot more time to sit and think, so my musings on photography and life in general will probably appear up here!
Originally I studied Art at A-level briefly flirting with photography, and then went to Suffolk College for a diploma in Art & Design where my interest in photography started to take over from my drawing and painting. It was here that I decided that my future would be a photographic one!
During my final year at Suffolk College however, I suffered from kidney failure and was on dialysis for 18 months. I managed to finish my course and went on to have a transplant in November 1996. With a new lease of life and raring to go I applied for a photography degree at Staffordshire University and in 2001 graduated with honours,
Like most photographers I have taken the plunge into digital, the technology coming on in leaps and bounds, and is wonderful for the creative photographer as it allows you maximum and exact control over every process from the visualization and taking of the picture through to the finished print.
After a long period of deteriorating health I am now back on haemodialysis three times a week and it is increasingly difficult to get out and about, but when I do I will try and take the camera with me!
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